Garden Ridge Elementary PTA
What is PTA?
Please take a moment to complete this survey to help us improve.
Indicates required field
1) Which best describes you?
Parent/Guardian of student(s) at GRES
GRES Staff
Business, community member or non-profit (PTA board member) who supports GRES
2) What PTA activities or events would you like continued next school year? ...yes, we've been busy this year. (You may select more than one)
Boo-Hoo / Yah-Hoo Breakfast for kinder families
Book donations to classrooms and library, including teacher wish lists
Book Fair(s)
Breakfast/Lunch for Teachers
Free or low-cost events for families like the Fall Festival & Spring Carnival
Gator Gear Sales
Grants for teachers
Holiday Bizarre (Craft night)
Red Ribbon Week support
School equipment (equipment carts, outdoor shade canopies, benches, floor mats, etc)
Silent Auction
Something special for staff during Teacher Appreciation Week
Student Assemblies
Welcome Breakfast for new families
3) What is your favorite thing about our PTA and/or GRES?
4) Do you read the PTA newsletters?
I'm not sure
5) What format would you want to receive the PTA newsletter?
Through our website and/or Facebook page
6) Do you use the PTA website?
I tried but couldn't
7) What can the PTA add to our website to help support GRES Families?
8) Do you view/like the PTA Facebook page?
I didn't know there was one
9) Is there anything that would encourage you to attend PTA meetings?
I already attend
No, I don't foresee myself attending no matter the circumstances
Yes, (Please comment below)
10) Do you know what the PTA does with the money that we raise for GRES?
Yes, I know specific items that the PTA pays for at GRES
Kinda, I know the money goes to the students but not the details
No, I do not
Other, (Please comment below)
11) Do you want to know what the PTA does with the money that we raise for GRES?
12) What fundraiser(s) would you like to participate in next school year? (You may select more than one)
Book Fair(s)
Catalog Sales
Check Drive
Gator Gear (shirts, etc.)
Holiday Bizarre
Spirit Nights at local restaurants
Spirit Sticks
Other, (Please comment below)
13) What PTA sponsored events did you attend this year? (You may select more than one)
Fall Festival (Trunk-or-Treat)
Holiday Bizarre
Pizza with the Parents night
Spring Carnival
None/Not sure
14) What event(s) would you like to see repeated next school year? (You may select more than one)
Fall Festival (Trunk-or-Treat)
Holiday Bizarre
Pizza with the Parents night
Spring Carnival
None/Not sure
15) What event(s) would you like to see at our school? (You may select more than one)
Nothing else, everything is perfect
Parent Workshops
Other, (Please comment below)
16) Did your child participate in a PTA sponsored fundraiser this school year? (You may select more than one)
Yes, Fun Run
Yes, Spirit Nights
18) What can the PTA do next school year to better support GRE'S PARENTS? (Please comment below)
19) What would you like to see changed, added, implemented, etc. through our PTA at GRES next school year? (Please comment below)
20) Any additional comments, concerns, tips, etc. (Please comment below)
What is PTA?